What is CI South West?
CI South West is a social group made up of Cochlear Implant (CI) users and candidates in the South West of England, including those who received their CI at St. Michael's/Bristol Royal Infirmary/Southmead Hospitals in Bristol, UK.
The main purpose of this group is to provide an opportunity for CI users and candidates in the South West to meet each other, ask questions and share experiences. Partners and friends are welcome too.
We host CI social events a few times a year, and also inform our members of other CI events they may be interested in. Past events have been in Bristol, Bath, Exeter, and Taunton ... do let us know if you're interested in a CI social in your area!
A secondary purpose of this group is to share information about the CI experience at Bristol.
We welcome people from a wide variety of backgrounds -- whether you are born deaf, late deafened, sign or don't sign or a bit of both. All CI makes are welcome (Advanced Bionics, Cochlear, Med-El and undecided). We look forward to hearing more from you!
We can also be contacted on cisouthwest@yahoo.co.uk
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