Thursday, August 11, 2016

New CI South West general flyer

We have a new CI South West general flyer ... please feel free to print out copies and distribute as you see fit ... local audiology units, deaf clubs, other group gatherings, anything you can think of! For a .pdf copy email and we'll send you a copy of the file.
Many thanks.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Updated CI comparison chart

Just discovered that this CI comparison chart has recently been updated (May 2016)... it may be helpful for those of you currently deciding which CI to get (don't worry if you don't understand everything, most people don't! :-) 

Visit this page, then click on "comparison chart" to download the .pdf file:

Friday, March 11, 2016

CI Battery Recall

FYI if you use disposable CI/HA batteries:

MEDICAL DEVICE ALERT - from MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products regulatory Agency)
All ZeniPower mercury free hearing aid and cochlear implant batteries - low risk of batteries exploding during use or if depleted.

Do not use batteries with a best before date of '08-2018' and '09-2018'. This date is on the outer blister packaging.

For more information:[1]%20Zhuhai%20Zhi%20Li%20Battery%20Co%20Ltd.pdf?dl=0